how can CLi spanish school help you to get accredITED?
Our Director, Eduardo Arques Esteve, is an accredited DELE Exam examiner with many years of experience in preparing students for the DELE exams, acting as an examiner of the DELE exam itself in several occasions and assuring a very high passing rate. Our textbooks and Spanish learning material answers consistently to the DELE exam accreditation requirements, giving all our students the opportunity to get accredited in the different DELE exam proficiency levels.
dele accreditation levels: a1-a2 / b1-b2 / c1-c2
Our Spanish courses are organised around the DELE diploma levels, and based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. If you are interested in getting officially accredited, each September we assess our existing students and recommend what level they should register for in order to succeed and get accredited.
exclusive access to past years dele exams & material
Cli Spanish School has access to previous years official DELE exams and our students have access to exclusive DELE preparation material to ensure that our students studying Spanish succeed in getting accredited in Spanish. Our material is 100% compliant with by the Cervantes Institute, the DELE exam organiser. We’ll make sure you succeed.
get assessed by an official examiner to know your level
Our director, Eduardo Arques, has acted as an official DELE exam examiner since 2008, and every year prepares dozens of student studying Spanish as 2nd Language and willing to get accredited in Spanish for professional and academic reasons, or just to get an official endorsement for the time spent learning Spanish with CLi Spanish School.
discounts when registering for the dele with cli
Any of our students learning Spanish and willing to register for the DELE Spanish exams taking place in Cape Town and/or Pretoria will get an official discount for registering under the name of CLi Spanish School. We also assist our students in the registration process and submission of all the necessary registration paperwork on their behalf.